YAV year take two began with an “Oh Snap!” as my new roommates picked me up from the airport and I proceeded to get them lost. Just when I think I figured how to get around the city, I am humbled by the streets of New Orleans.
I then proceeded to break out into what I like to call a sweat-a-thon by moving in my things in the sweltering heat of a southern summer. We (the 2011-2012 YAVs) are now living in a house in Uptown. It is a two-story duplex type house, however we do have an indoor staircase.
After a few days of getting re-oriented with my lovely city and her story, it was right back to the skies. We caught a flight to New York for a weeklong YAV orientation. It was an intense week for me, because I was caught between decompressing from my last year of service and being excited and prepared for this year. Regardless of working through residual vicissitudes, I had a blast meeting new YAVs and hanging out with the other “Super Seniors” of the YAV program.
As I make my way through the air back to NOLA, I am reminded of a couple things. First, I am never going to enjoy flying because every little bump causes heart palpitations and it is too confining. Second, I may never be able to be able to give a definitive answer to the question everyone has been asking: “Why are you doing a second year in the same place?” The only thing I can tell you is, same sights, same, sounds, new heart.
With my heart and soul attached to New Orleans, and passionately fixed on justice, I can’t turn away. It is my prayer that all of you who have been so supportive will continue to keep me in your prayers, and stay in this walk towards change and progress with me.
"So do not worry tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring it's own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today." Matthew 6:34
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