Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Meet Me in The Middle

Currently I am involved in so many things here in New Orleans. I am doing my job at Chinese Presbyterian Church which includes being the assistant Christian Education Coordinator, layout and design for the church newsletter, assisting in special event planning, and a number of other bible studies and side projects. I am also taking one Saturday a month doing community service projects, tutoring through STAIR (www.stairnola.org) every Thursday, and I want to get my church to begin making mats for the homeless out of old grocery and other plastic bags.

Doing all these different things can be totally overwhelming and I often think perhaps I am taking on to much at once. However, I know that at the end of the day while I may not be able to tackle everything I want to, I am doing the most fulfilling work that I have ever experienced.

Today I led Chinese Presbyterian’s Revelation circle Bible study. We studied Rev. 2-3, which is John’s letters to the seven churches in Asia Minor. In John’s letter to Laodicea, he calls out the church for being “lukewarm” Christians. This passage really resonated with me in what it means for me personally to be a Christian. So often, I felt that being a Christian was something that I should not make waves about or make others feel uncomfortable about. That is the opposite of what we are called to do, God wants us to have hearts on fire for his word and for him. I would normally shy away from writing a blog so frank about my thoughts on Christ, however I think that the time is now for us not to move forward with intimidation, but with vigor and love.

I want to be an example of a modern Christian working towards creating a community of love and understanding. To do the work for others that I would see a modern day Christ doing. What I ask of my friends and family reading this blog is to meet me in the middle. Find a way in your life to give back to your community and stand up against the ugly we see in our world today.

“Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” – Revelation 3:13

Peace and Love


  1. I love this post. I love that your heart is on fire for God. Preach it, sister.

  2. great comments Emma and also good writing

  3. wow Emma!!! you could have said this yesterday at presbytery at the Austin Korean Presbyterian Church...hopefully we will have some YAVs to send somewhere soon
